♦ General and Terminology
1.1. |
What is CACTUS-OS?
Show answerHide answerCACTUS-OS stands for Computer Aided Competency Training and Assurance Operating System. CACTUS-OS offers a set of 21 CFR Part 11 solution products for competency training by integrating open standard SCORM compatible content, SQL database, competency metrics, and seamless computing into a scalable turnkey system.
1.2. |
What is 21 CFR Part 11?
1.3. |
What is CDE?
1.4. |
What is CNE?
1.5. |
What is CEE?
Show answerHide answerCEE stands for CACTUS Enterprise Edition. CEE is a member of the CACTUS-OS family. CEE is an Intranet based solution that can be configured for 1000’s of concurrent users. CEE also includes SOP Information Management & Competency Executive sub-Systems.
1.6. |
What is CWT?
Show answerHide answerCWT stands for CACTUS Web Training. CWT is a member of the CACTUS-OS family. CWT is an Internet based service. CWT is fully compatible with all other CACTUS-OS members. The database contents, including courses & examinations, trainees, metrics, reports, certificates can be seamlessly connected between CDE-CNE-CEE-CWT.
1.7. |
What is LIWOT?
Show answerHide answerLIWOT stands for Light Weight On-line Training. LIWOT is an authoring tool for the rapid development & deployment of CACTUS-OS compatible text based courses, tests, & examinations.
1.8. |
Why should I buy any of the CACTUS-OS products?
Show answerHide answer(i) Economical with high value: You can start at very limited investment with CWT using already available courses & examinations. (ii) Flexibility: You can develop simple courses on your own using LIWOT. (iii) Scalability: You can seamlessly upgrade up to any of the CACTUS-OS products, including to CEE and integrate SOP Quality Management. (iv) Accountability: Training Needs Analysis, Just-In-Time-Training, and Return-On-Training-Investment will make your management happy. (v) Compliance: Training validation & training decision support will keep you within regulations. No other solution will come even close to the value provided by CACTUS-OS.
1.9. |
What is SQL?
Show answerHide answerSQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL has been created to query relational databases, such as MS SQL. SQL exists in several dialects.
1.10. |
What is EQU?
Show answerHide answerEQU stands for Easy Query. EQU is an integrated sub-system of CACTUS-OS products. EQU is able to generate natural language based SQL sentences with variable parameters to query the database. Statistical modeling tools, such as Pareto Diagrams, Control Charts, Correlation Analysis, histograms, and data-mining algorithms can be applied to the data for meaningful interpretation. The results can be displayed in tables and/or graphs.
1.11. |
What is DQ?
Show answerHide answerDQ stands for Design Qualification. DQ measures the suitability of an application requirement relative to the specification and experimental results of the object to be used in the application. For example, is the software I am evaluating able to meet 21 CFR Part 11 requirements, or can I add or modify tests of the training package?
1.12. |
What is IQ?
Show answerHide answerIQ stands for Initial Qualification in CACTUS-OS (IQ can also stand for Installation Qualification). IQ is assigned to the training, if no test is included.
1.13. |
What is OQ?
Show answerHide answerOQ stands for Operational Qualification. OQ is assigned to the training, if test is included.
1.14. |
What is PQ?
Show answerHide answerPQ stands for Performance Qualification. PQ is used to evaluate the effectiveness of training. EQU models have been integrated into CACTUS-OS products for the determination of PQ. PQ can be also considered as a set of competency metrics.
1.15. |
What is SCORM?
Show answerHide answerSCORM stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model. SCORM was created in cooperation between government, academia and industry and it consolidates the work of the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training (CBT) Committee (AICC), the IMS Global Learning Consortium, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Alliance for Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe (ARIADNE) and others to create one unified "reference model" of interrelated technical specifications, standards and guidelines that meet Department of Defense (DoD) high-level requirements for Web-based learning content to ensure interoperability, transportability, and reuse of e-learning content.
1.16. |
What is CSCORM?
Show answerHide answerCSCORM stands for CACTUS SCORM compatible content. It is a SCORM requirement relative to CACTUS-OS specification.
1.17. |
What are the benefits of CACTUS-OS SCORM?
Show answerHide answerCACTUS-OS complements SCORM re-usability and interoperability by providing integrated competency metrics, training validation, and training decision support for Training Needs Analysis, Just-In-Time-Training, and Return-On-Training-Investment.
1.18. |
What is SQC?
Show answerHide answerSQC stands for Statistical Quality Control. SQC contains a broad set of statistical tools from simple, such as histograms, control charts, Pareto diagrams, and correlation diagrams, to complex, such as data-mining, to determine and monitor the effectiveness of quality control. CACTUS-OS includes SQC models to monitor the effectiveness of PQ.
1.19. |
What is SPC?
Show answerHide answerSPC stands for Statistical Process Control. SPC contains a broad set of statistical tools from simple, such as histograms, control charts, Pareto diagrams, and correlation diagrams, to complex such as data-mining, to determine and monitor the effectiveness of processes. CACTUS-OS includes SPC models to monitor the effectiveness of the training process, including Return-On-Training-Investment.
1.20. |
What is JITT?
Show answerHide answerJITT stands for Just-In-Time-Training. JITT time can be determined from Training Needs Analysis trend. JITT can schedule either IQ or OQ training. JITT supports optimization of resources and ROTI.
1.21. |
What is ROTI?
Show answerHide answerROTI stands for Return-On-Training-Investment. EQU model determines ROTI from the amount resources are used to acquire learning objectives. ROTI helps to monitor the economic effectiveness of training and the Economic Value Added (EVA) by training.
1.22. |
What is outsourcing?
Show answerHide answerOutsourcing means that Opulus is contracted for a CACTUS project. You provide us with the concept and we can provide you the end-product with validation, including the development life-cycle.
1.23. |
What is co-sourcing?
Show answerHide answerCo-sourcing means that a CACTUS project is conducted jointly. Let us assume that the project is the development of a CSCORM course. The tasks may be divided as follows: Opulus provides the templates for you to write the content; Opulus converts the course to CSCORM compatible e-learning; you do the in-process and finished product testing; Opulus does the corrections; you do the final release. Naturally, other configuration of the above project is also possible.
♦ Development
2.1. |
How can I develop CACTUS compatible courses, tests, and/or examinations?
Show answerHide answerIt depends on the type of content you would like to develop. For simple courses and examinations, such as SOP training, one can use LIWOT an easy to learn authoring tool. For complex content, such as the inclusion of multi-media, we can provide you under licensing arrangements with templates for creating the base content from which we can generate the CSCORM compatible courses & examinations complete with validation (i.e., co-sourcing). To qualified members we can even provide the full set of development tools & environment.
2.2. |
Where can I obtain SCORM development information?
2.3. |
How long does it take to learn SCORM?
Show answerHide answerIf a SCORM expert can supervise & direct intensive learning, then within a few days you will be able to create SCORM conformant content. However, in a self-learning mode, it may take several months to achieve sufficient competency.
2.4. |
How can I obtain CSCORM development information?
2.5. |
Can I interface existing SCORM content to CACTUS?
Show answerHide answerYes. CSCORM (i.e., CACTUS-OS compatible SCORM) is an extension of standard SCORM. Under CACTUS-OS licensing agreement Opulus can provide you with the appropriate resources for the development of CSCORM specific parts.
2.6. |
How can I develop new queries or reports?
2.7. |
How can I develop new metrics?
2.8. |
How can I develop LIWOT content?
2.9. |
Is there an existing CACTUS Development Network?
2.10. |
How can I obtain CSCORM Development Licensing Agreement?
2.11. |
Can I qualify my CSCORM to be included in your Training Warehouse?
2.12. |
Is there available specification for CSCORM qualification requirements?
2.13. |
What kind of royalty would I receive?
Show answerHide answerRoyalty depends on various parameters, such as author, content value, content size, number of tests, etc.
♦ Operational
3.1. |
How long does it take to learn to use CWT?
3.2. |
How long does it take to learn to use CDE?
3.3. |
How long does it take to learn to use CNE?
3.4. |
How long does it take to learn to use CEE?
3.5. |
How difficult is the installation of CDE, or CNE, or CEE?
Show answerHide answerThe installation of CDE & CNE is no more difficult than MS Office. For the installation of CEE you need IT.
3.6. |
What do I need to install CWT?
3.7. |
How long does it take to build my trainee database?
3.8. |
How long does it take to build my course database?
3.9. |
How can I use IQ-OQ-PQ in my training?
Show answerHide answerIQ identifies that learning only has taken place (without verification of testing); OQ identifies that examination with verification has taken place; PQ is a set of query results on training performance.
3.10. |
How can I use Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to schedule training?
Show answerHide answerTNA provides a predictive analysis based on test results when reinforced training and/or examination is required.
3.11. |
How can I use Just-In-Time-Training?
Show answerHide answerBased on Training Needs Analysis, one can determine when reinforced training and/or reinforced examination and/or both are required. This way only the required resources (e.g., time) will consumed.
3.12. |
How can I use learning objectives to evaluate performance?
Show answerHide answerLearning object is a targeted breakdown of the knowledge covered by the course and the corresponding tests. Each course page and each test is connected to one or more learning objective(s). EQU Performance Qualification relative to the learning objectives can specify in detail the knowledge acquisition characteristics of the learning process and the relevant competency levels of the trainee. This analysis can support virtual auditing of the institute’s regulatory compliance performance.
3.13. |
How can I monitor ROTI?
Show answerHide answerEQU set of queries includes ROTI analysis and report. We can estimate from the specified parameters how much resource was applied for successful training.
♦ Customization
4.1. |
How can I modify an existing course?
Show answerHide answerIf it is a LIWOT course, then the integrated LIWOT author can do it simply in-house. If it is a CSCORM course, then in the case of CWT, Opulus co-sourcing is required; or, in the case of CDE, CNE, or CEE, CSCORM development utilities and the knowledge to use them are required (co-sourcing is recommended).
4.2. |
How can I modify an existing test?
Show answerHide answerIf it is a LIWOT course, then the integrated LIWOT author can do it simply in-house. If it is a CSCORM course, then in the case of CWT, Opulus co-sourcing is required; or, in the case of CDE, CNE, or CEE, CSCORM development utilities and the knowledge to use them are required (co-sourcing is recommended).
4.3. |
How can I add new tests?
Show answerHide answerIf it is a LIWOT course, then the integrated LIWOT author can do it simply in-house. If it is a CSCORM course, then in the case of CWT, Opulus co-sourcing is required; or, in the case of CDE, CNE, or CEE, CSCORM development utilities and the knowledge to use them are required (co-sourcing is recommended).
4.4. |
How can I modify an existing query?
Show answerHide answerYou need EQU Development Edition license, the knowledge to use it, and the relevant source code (co-sourcing is recommended).
4.5. |
How can I add new query, reports, or metrics?
Show answerHide answerYou need EQU Development Edition license, the knowledge to use it, and the relevant source code (co-sourcing is recommended).
♦ Integration
5.1. |
How can I integrate my existing training with CACTUS-OS?
5.2. |
How can I down-load upgrades to my existing CACTUS-OS courses?
Show answerHide answerUpgrades will always mean new courses and examinations. It is requirement to maintain the integrity of the existing results.